Accessible trams in service on Woltersdorf line
Posted on 3rd February 2025 at 18:52
In the eastern suburbs of Berlin, the Woltersdof tramway is a 5.6km metre-gauge line dating from 1913, providing a feeder service between the town and Rahnsdorf S-bahn station. Since 1977 service has been provided by 60 year old two-axle high-floor Gotha trams acquired from other German undertakings during the DDR era. Operator is the Schöneiche–Rudersdorf tramway (SRS) under a local authority contract. SRS is a similar but standard-gauge tram line further north. Neither of these tramways is connected to the nearby Berlin system, though numbered in the system of the Verkehrsverbund Berlin Brandenburg (Woltersdorf is line 87)..
In February 2022 SRS awarded Polish rolling stock builder Modertrans a contract for three (plus one option) 100% low-floor double-ended air-conditioned Moderns Gamma 10 AC BD 15m bogie trams, with delivery starting in March 2024. Each tram has 22 seats and 54 standing spaces. After commissioning, testing and training (and delivery of the fourth (option) tram), the new cars were able to take over the passenger service from 25 January 2024, bringing accessible operation to this short tramway (hitherto provided by an on-demand minibus).
Photo: New and old trams on the Woltersdforf tramway. (K. Vindobona)

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