Cambridge tram plan launched
Posted on 24th August 2024 at 15:38
Cambridge Connect, an independent and non-political environmental planning and spatial data business, has launched plans for a 34km tramway serving Cambridge, to be named the 'Isaac Newton Line’.
The company is requesting £5M from the government for feasibility studies, including whether it should be taken forward by the public or private sector. The line would link Trumpington (P+R) in the south via the Biomedical Campus, South railway station, central Cambridge and Madingley P+R to Eddington in the north-west. A short 4km subway would be needed under the historic city centre. A second phase, the 6.5km ‘Darwin Line' could serve North station.
Cambridge Connect estimates the line would take six years to build and cost £700M. It would be integrated with local bus and rail services.
The university city of Cambridge (population 147 000) is expected to see a population growth in the wider area of 120 000 by 2031 and the planned tramway recognises the need for transport in the corridors of residential and employment growth. Cambridge Connect has drawn up the proposals in liaison with UK Tram and Railfuture.
The plans are being submitted to the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority for public consultation.

A map of the planned Isaac Newton Line. (Cambridge Connect)
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