Coventry VLR demonstration planned this year
Posted on 20th January 2025 at 17:40
The prototype Very Light Rail demonstration vehicle is likely to be demonstrated on the streets of Coventry in 2025. The City Council cabinet is expected to approve the four-week trail, that will involve laying lightweight track on 220m of Greyfriars Road and Queen Victoria Road. Councillor Jim O’Boyle, Cabinet Member of Jobs and Regeneration and Climate Change, said ‘The trial will allow us to showcase the technology in the city centre as well as testing the revolutionary track-layoing system that can be installed without significant disruption to utilities. This is a major step in our on-going testing of Very Light Rail.
The project is funded by the West Midlands Combined Authority and the Government through the City Region Sustainable Transport settlement. The VLR vehicle is battery powered and has been undergoing tests at the VLR Innovation Centre Dudley test track. It will carry up 50 56 passengers (20 seated). Weighing 11 tonnes, and with a range of 70km, it will be able to negotiate 15m curves. if the trial is successful the VLR line would link Coventry Railway Station with Pool Meadow Bus Station and the University Hospital.
Photo: VLR at the Dudley Test track. (Coventry City Council)

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