Third round of SMART grants opens
Posted on 18th May 2024 at 11:29
The U.S Department of Transportation (USDOT) has begun accepting applications for the third year if its Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) grants program.
The grant, initially created through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, will fund up to USD500M in grants within a five year period. The aim is to develop smart technology and systems that improve transportation safety and efficiency.
Within the first two rounds of grant funding, USDOT selected 93 projects in 39 states - plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico - to a total amount of USD148M (EUR135.9M).
This funding opportunity is open to US public sector entities seeking to carry out transportation projects that demonstrate some of the following - systems integration, sensors, delivery and logistics or traffic signals.
'The SMART grant program has helped communities, states and tribes across America deploy new kinds of transportation technology solutions to improve safety and resilience. As the program enters its third year of funding, we're excited for even more companies to get funding and support to develop technological solutions to their most pressing transportation challenges.' said USDOT Secretary Pete Buttigieg.

USDOT'S SMART grants have opened for their third year of applications (USDOT)
USDOT says successful projects will create sustainable partnerships across sectors and levels of government, engaging industry, labour, academia and nonprofits to better meet community transportation needs.
Applications must be submitted on USDOT's website by 5pm on July 12.
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