The recycling tram in Iasi. (M. Ulbricht)
The Romanian city of Iasi (population 306 000) has introduced a recycling tram, that travels around the network spending half an hour or so at each terminal loop, so that residents can deposit their unwanted electrical items, from where they are taken back to the depot near the station for recycling by city company Salubrious. 
It operates 09.00-16.00 on Saturdays and Sundays. The two-car set (152+156) comprises a former Bern 1961 Swiss Standard bogie car (627) hauling a cut down bogie trailer of the same origin (340) that carries the collection tank. it can be seen at the termini Dacia, Aug, Copou and Canta. 
Iași operates a metre-gauge network that started in 1898 and has today reached nine lines with a length of 35 km. Although 32 new low-floor trams arrived from manufacturers PESA and Bozankya in 2021-2023, the system is notable for the array of second-hand trams from German systems that can still be seen in everyday use (Augsburg, Darmstadt, Mannheim, Mülheim/Ruhr, and Stuttgart). 
The recycling tram in Iasi. (M. Ulbricht
The recycling tram in Iasi. (M. Ulbricht) 
Tagged as: Romania
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