Napoli chooses Bozankaya for new trams
Posted on 8th January 2024 at 10:18
The Turkish manufacturer Bozankaya has been selected as preferred bidder for up to 20 new double-ended low-floor trams for the Italian city of Napoli, with a tender price of just over EUR 63M.
This is a major shock for local manufacturer Hitachi Rail Italia (formerly AnsaldoBreda) that has supplied 22 low-floor trams to the city in 2004-2006.
There is a period before the contract for the first 10 cars can be signed to permit any appeal (Hitachi was the only other bidder).
It is understood that the model offered by Bozankaya is the same as the 31 five-section cars already delivered to the Turkish city of Kayseri and would be built in Ankara.

A Bozankaya 100% low-floor tram in the Turkish city of Kayseri. (Bozankaya)
Tagged as: Bozankaya, Napoli
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