James Hammett UK Tram Managing Director at the Light Rail Summit
UKTram remains on track to support the growth of light rail in the UK. 
Working in partnership with key stakeholders, the organsiation argues the case for furhter investment in tramways and similar transit systems while looking at ways to remove the barriers to future expansion.  
The organisations's success in supporting the sector was highlighted at a high-profile summit in Septmebr that brought together senior figures from across the light rail sector.  
At this summit, Mr Hammett brought attention to the fact that although tramways had not received the same level of support as some other forms of public transport, they would continue to 'lobby for additional support and showcase the benefits the sector can bring when it comes to improving connectivity in urban areas while reducing carbon emissions.' 
He also drew atttention to the fact that the orgaisation had made progress against the targets set out in its business plan and how its acclaimed strategy for the future of light rail has continued to evolve in line with emerging trends and the economic climate.  
James Hammett UK Tram Managing Director at the Light Rail Summit
James Hammett UK Tram Managing Director at the Light Rail Summit 
Tagged as: UKTram
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