WMATA outlines proposed cuts
Posted on 18th December 2023 at 14:02
The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) is proposing a series of budget cuts to help plug a $750M funding gap in its Fiscal Year 2025 budget.
Exacerbated by the pandemic, the changing face of travel has destabilised WMATA's existing operating model as passenger levels have yet to reach pre-pandemic levels as well as inflation affecting its revenue and services. WMATA receives no independent funding and is legally required to pass balanced budget every year.
The authority has already attempted to make internal savings which has included a hiring and wage freeze.
'Metro is facing an unprecedented, existential crisis that requires our region to rally together if we want to avoid the catastrophic impacts this budget would have on our region,' said WMATA General Manager and CEO, Randy Clarke.
Wage freezes are expected to continue as well as a reduced passenger service, a 20% fare increase and there is the potential for layoffs in the future.
All 121.5M Metrorail trips would be affected by the proposed service cuts, including closing stations and reducing both its weekday and weekend services.
WMATA are proposing cuts to their current service (WMATA)
Tagged as: WMATA, 7000 Series
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