Pandemic responses from the global light and urban rail industry
Posted on 10th March 2023 at 16:34
The spread of the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and its associated disease (COVID-19) into a global pandemic had evolved rapidly during the first half of 2020, impacting every facet of life – public transport being no exception.
As previously unimaginable steps taken by national governments resulted in large-scale lockdowns and quarantines, ridership figures fell to unimaginably low levels. Systems performed heroically in the most difficult of circumstances as associated revenues fell, yet in almost all cases they continued to operate, serving key workers and those performing the tasks most essential to the functioning of society.
The long-term effects are still unknown, but in this paper we set out some of the responses from authorities and operators across the globe in an attempt to share best practice and lessons.
We also highlight a few key areas for consideration as we all seek to rebuild for the future in the new post-pandemic world.
air quality/ticketing/people feedback on changes.
as opposed to where we are now...
As we approach the three year anniversary of the pandemic - reflections...

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